6 Tricks To Consider Before Using YouTube Video Promotion Sites

6 tricks to consider Before Using YouTube Video Promotion Sites

Videos and YouTube have become synonymous terms in the past few years. Since its inception the video hosting platform has only grown to become the site with most videos and viewers. YouTube video promotion sites have helped millions of YouTubers to reach their goal.

From giant production companies to animal video makers, all are competing for that extra number of views. For many, this is a career opportunity and a chnace to earn hefty money with the help of YouTube video promotion sites.

But before that your video should have all the ingredients that will help the promotion site to increase traffic on YouTube easily.

Considering the competition, an amateur video-maker can never get into the trending searches without a lot of investment.

Well, that is absolutely not the case. Your content and presentation can help you become a star overnight. To help you out, here are some tips for your first YouTube Video.

1. Intriguing Titles

Use Intriguing Titles Before Using YouTube Video Promotion Sites

Creating an eye-catching title is the hardest task. Include keywords in the title so that your video can pop-up more often in peoples ’searches.

Make it descriptive but short, to prevent it from being cut-off at the display. An appealing title can help you to grow your channel.

2. Charming Thumbnails

Create Charming Thumbnails Before Using YouTube Video Promotion Sites

Be creative in choosing a thumbnail. The thumbnail image should be like a trailer of a thriller movie. You can create a custom thumbnail which is always recommended.

It should give the viewer an overview of the video. But at the same time it should create suspense about the content of the video. 

3. Optimizing Call-to-Action Methods

Optimizing Call-to-Action Methods Before Hiring YouTube Video Promotion Sites

Usually, there are four ways of CTAs to engage viewers to your channel. For example, telling them to subscribe; like and share your video; watch more videos from your channel, and comment on your video.

You can include these CTAs by using one of the methods mentioned below.

Direct Mentions

In this, the host of the video tells the viewer directly to like, share and comment on the video. For example, the host can say “If you like the video then please like, share and subscribe to the channel”.

End Cards

An end card appears at the end of the video where you can embed the name and logo of your channel with the subscribe button or more videos from your channel.

Video Description

This may help to direct the viewer to your website or blog that may help in garnering the viewer’s interest in your channel.

Optimizing Call-to-action is one of the best tips to promote before you choose the YouTube video promotion sites.

4. Allow People  To Link  Your Video

Allow People To Link Your Video Before Using YouTube Video Promotion Sites

YouTube has an inbuilt option to allow others to embed your video. Before you go for YouTube video promotion sites, you should use this in-built option of YouTube.

While uploading your video enables this option so that people can re-publish your video in their blogs or websites.

This will help you to get more subscribers on YouTube and also increase your credibility as a YouTuber. Don’t forget to specify that the publisher should credit your video every time it is used. 

5. Involve The Viewers

Involve The Viewers Before You Decide To Use YouTube Video Promotion Sites

To make viewers more interested in your content, you’ve to engage with the viewers. Some of the ways to do it are responding to their comments, subscribing to other channels, organizing contests for the viewers, and any other marketing strategy you can think of.

Remember that real-time and genuine engagement with the viewers can give you real YouTube views and likes.

6. Paid Promotion Using YouTube Video Promotion Sites

YouTube Video Promotion Sites

YouTube also provides paid advertising services to increase the views on your video. You can subscribe to any of these promotion sites.

The promoter will show the video like an ad until the number of views that you have paid for is not complete. These YouTube video promotion sites can also help you with keywords to increase the organic traffic on your video and increase your earnings.


Now that you have read the whole thing. What are you waiting for? Kickstart your Youtube video promotion by following these steps.

Hopefully, these tips will help you garner those desired numbers of viewers and subscribers and take you forward on the journey of becoming the next big YouTube star.

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